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Romanzas y cantigas sefardíes.

Intérprete: Joaquín Díaz y Los Hermanos.


Edición: California, Los Hermanos; HESH-38, 1974.

Cara A: 1. A la una yo nací / 2. Caminando por la plaza / 3. La rosa enflorece / 3. Desde hoy la mi madre / 4. Una hija tiene el rey / 5. Mamá yo no tengo visto / 6. Hija mía, mi querida / 7. Dize la nuestra novia / 8. Esta montaña.

Cara B: 1. Una pastora / 2. Mi padre era de Francia / 3. Arvoles yoram / 4. A la nana / 5. Avre este abajour / 6. Levanteisme madre / 7. Avre tu puerta cerrada / 8. Durme, durme / 9. Buena semana.

Temas: Romanzas y cantigas sefardíes.

Observaciones: Todas las canciones arregladas por Joaquín Díaz.
Mismo contenido en 7403/D y 7421/D.


Joaquín Díaz. Últimos recitales.

Intérprete: Joaquín Díaz.


Edición: FONOMUSIC, S.A.; M-28202, 1984.

Cara A: 1. La esposa infiel (trad. sefardí) / 2. Ki eshmera (trad. sefardí) / 3. Tres hermanicas (trad. sefardí) / 4. Abre tu puerta (trad. sefardí) / 5. Les prisons de Nantes (trad. franco-canadiense) / 6. Freight train (Elisabeth Cotten) / 7. Amalia Rosa (trad. venezolana) / 8. Cripple creek (trad. Estados Unidos) / 9. The shoemaker (trad. británica) / 10. La palomita (trad. argentina).

Cara B: 1. Ronda sanabresa (trad. zamorana) / 2. El pingo chumarro (trad. vallisoletana) / 3. Caminito de Avilés (trad. asturiana) / 4. El arriero de Bembibre (trad. leonesa) / 5. El quintado (trad. madrileña) / 6. Amnón y Tamar (trad. palentina) / 7. El rabel (trad. montañesa) / 8. Jota segoviana (trad. segoviana) / 9. El campano y la vaca (trad. palentina).

Temas: Canciones tradicionales.

Observaciones: NO HAY DISCO DENTRO DE LA CARÁTULA. Por esta razón, los datos de edición son los que aparecen en la carátula.


Hungarian Folk Music. Magyar Nèpzene 1.



Edición: Dr. BENJÁMIN RAJECZKY (ed.), LPX 10095

Cara A: THE ANCIENT STRATA: 1. Mother, my dear mother (Moldavian Csángó Ballad) / 2. Down the street (Fragment of an outlaw ballad from the Mezöség) / 3. Sándor Rózsa is fond of dancing (Fragment of an outlaw ballad from Szatmár Country) / 4. There is a poplar in my hayfield (Ballad of the Three Orphans, from Moldavia) / 5. My little horse walks in mud (Lyrical song, Moldavia).

Cara B: THE ANCIENT STRATA: 1. The white throat is singing (Lyrical song from Szatmár Country) / 2. The Mountain Mátra is wrapped in fog (Shepherd song frm Heves Country) / 3. Down by the salley gardens of Maros (Lyrical song from the Mezöség) / 4. Water and mud have all dried up (Shepherd song, with fragments of outlaw-prisoner, and other lyrical pieces, Szarmár Country) / 5. Black tent of ring-tree (Slow dance tune from Szatmár Country) / 6. The swineherd of Györ is playing (Swineherd song from the Sárköz) / 7. Hey-do, birdy (Dance tune from the Sárköz) / 8. Hens like sour cherry (Wedding-dance tune from Somogy Country) / 9. Where have you slept at night, tomtit? (Dance tune from Somogy Country) / 10. If I arrive at Kolozsvár (Prisoner's song from the Mezöség) / 11. (The text of nºI/A/5 with a different tune, from Moldavia).

Temas: Música popular húngara. ("From the collection of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Ethnographical Museum").

Observaciones: Es el disco 1 de los 4 que contiene el primer estuche de los 3 que completan la colección de Música Folklórica Húngara. Ver discos 2 a 4 (7605/D a 7607/D). Ver estuche II (7608/D-7611/D) y III (7612/D-7616/D).
Contiene este estuche I un folleto con amplia información sobre la música popular húngara en húngaro, alemán, inglés y ruso).


Hungarian Folk Music. Magyar Nèpzene 1.




Cara A: EUROPEAN HERITAGE: 1. As it has grown dark akready (Evening song) / 2. In the Rákóc inn (The ballad of the Sold Girl) / 3. a-b (The Story of András Báthory) / 4. 'Rákóczi's farewell' / 5. At the end of my career (Csángó funeral song) / 6. Little wife, little wife (Csángó lyrical song).

Cara B: SONGS OF THE NEW STYLE: 1. Hey, I was born to see only sorrow / 2a. The wheat is getting ripe / 2b. This summer I did much reaping / 3. Hey, star, star / 4a. Good-by, barn of Mènes / 4b. Uncle John, go on / 5. I shall always rue that I got married / 6. Alas, very muddy (Outlaw ballad) / 7. Hey-ho, no roses, only dry leaves are left / 8. Sick I am, of love's sickness I suffer / 9a. Wood, wood, how high the trees grow / 9b. Meadow, meadow, meadow, that's where reed grow / 10. I have been just released from the prison / 11. At the end of the village / 12. In the yard of my lover.

Temas: Música popular húngara.("From the collectio of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Ethnographical Museum").

Observaciones: Es el disco 2 de los 4 de que consta el estuche I de la colección. Ver disco 1 (7604/D), disco 3 (7606/D) y disco 4 (7607/D). Ver también estuche II (7608/D a 7611/D) y estuche III (7612/D-7616/D).
Contiene folleto interior con amplia información sobre la música popular húngara (en ruso, húngaro, alemán e inglés).


Hungarian Folk Music. Magyar Nèpzene 1.

Intérprete: CARA A: 1. Tambura band / 2. Hurdy-burdy / 3. Violin / 4. Flute / 5. Cither / 6. Long flute / 7. Csángó musicians, playing the violin and the gardon / 8. Gypsy band.
CARA B: 1. Pipe tune / 2. Reedpipe, accompanied by the cither / 3. Cither ensemble / 4. Csángó musicians, playing the violin and the gardon / 5. Gypsy band / 6. Hurdy-burdy and clarinet / 7. Gypsy musician on the cymbal.


Edición: DR. BENJÁMIN RAJECZKY (ed.), LPX 10097.

Cara A: INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: 1. a-b (Tunes in the new style, performed by a tambura band) / 2. a-b (Old-style parlando and new-style giusto tunes performed on hurdy-burdy) / 3. a-d (Four dances tunes performed on the violin) / 4. "Slow hungarian dance" (Csángó flute player) / 5. a-b (Old-style parlando and new-style giusto tunes performed on the cither / 6. Love, love... (Lyrical song). The singer also plays it with the long flute) / 7. a-b "Slow and quick Hungarian" (Slow and quick csárdás. Csángó musicians, playing the violin anf the garden) / 8. a-b. Csárdás and "Quick" (Gipsy band).

Cara B: INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: 1. There walks the swineherd at the bank (Pipe tune) / 2. (New-style tune performed on the reedpipe, accompanied by the cither) / 3. a-b. (Two dances tunes. Cither ensemble) / 4. a. The black hen has eaten all the sour cherry / 4. b. It is not advisable to lie down on the banks of the Tisza / 4. c. "Quick csárdás" (Csángó musicians from the Gyimes region, playing the violin and the gardon) / 5. a-b. Slow and quick csárdás (Gipsy band) / 6. a-b. (Two new-style tunes performed on the hurdy-burdy and the clarinet) / 7. "Fly, my swallow" (Performed by a gypsy musician on the cymbal).

Temas: Música popular húngara. ("From the collection of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Ethnographical Museum").

Observaciones: Es el disco 3 de los 4 que completan el estuche I de la colección. Ver disco 1 (7604/D), disco 2 (7605/D) y disco 4 (7607/D). Ver también estuche II (7608/D a 7611/D) y estuche III (7612/D a 7616/D).
Contiene un folleto interior con amplia información sobre la música popular húngara (en alemán, ruso, inglés y húngaro).


Hungarian Folk Music. Magyar Nèpzene 1.



Edición: DR. BENJÁMIN RAJECZKY (ed.), LPX 10098.

Cara A: TUNES ATTACHED TO POPULAR CUSTOMS: 1. a. At Christmas night (Christmas pipe tune) / 1. b. Do go, Eve, up to the loft (Christmas pipe tune) / 1. c. Johnny, Johnny, you come first (Christmas pipe tune) / 2. a. In the little village og Bethlehem (Christmas chanting "Pretty cradle") / 2. b. In the city of Bethlehem (Christmas chanting "Pretty cradle") / 2. c. Bethlehem, Bethlehem (Christmas chanting "Pretty cradle") / 2. d. God's lamb is crying (Christmas chanting "Pretty cradle") / 2. e. Let's go all of us (Christmas chanting "Pretty cradle") / 3. KEt come Sardó (Carnival chant) / 4. Talalaj, talalaj, Lörinc Tót! (Farewell-song to Carnival) / 5. ("Green-twig walk') / 6. a. The remarkable day of Whitsun (Whitsun play') / 6. b. Hyacinth, hyacinth (Whitsun play') / 6. c. God has brought crimson Whitsun's day (Whitsun play') / 7. a. Whose horses are there down (Summer solstice-songs) / 7. b. Rattling walnut, hazelnut (Summer solstice-songs) / 8. May you live to see many happy returns of Susannah's day / 9. This day we make our presence here (Name's day greetings. Song and dance music).

Cara B: TUNES ATTACHED TO POPULAR CUSTOMS: 1. Hejde lilibe (Csángó cradle song) / 2. a. I owe it to my mother (Soldier's frewell) / 2. b. "Accompanying recruits" (Gypsy band) / 3. a. Put the packing case on the cart (Wedding song) / 3. b. Late in the evening I was strolling (Wedding song) / 3. c. They have already bound my wreaths (Wedding song) / 4. a. Alas, my head-dress (Valedictory to bride and farewell) / 4. b. I have bound three wreaths (Valedictory to bride and farewell) / 4. c. The first flower (Valedictory to bride and farewell) / 4. d. Alas, friend Náni (Valedictory to bride and farewell) / 4. e. Weep, weep, beautiful maiden flower (Valedictory to bride and farewell) / 4. f. Daughter, daughter (Valedictory to bride and farewell) / 5. a. The bride is a beautiful flower (Wedding tune with orchestral accompaniment) / 5. b. The cart stands at the gate (Wedding tunes with orchestral accompaniment) / 6. a-b. Funeral laments.

Temas: Música popular húngara ("From the collection of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Ethnograpical Museum").

Observaciones: Es el disco 4 del estuche I de la colección. Ver discos 1 a 3 (7604/D a 7606/D). Ver también estuche II (7607/D a 7611/D) y estuche III (7612/D-7616/D).
Contiene un folleto interior con más información sobre la música popular húngara (en ruso, alemán, inglés y húngaro).


Hungarian Folk Music. Magyar Nèpzene 2.



Edición: BENJÉMIN RAJECZKY (ed.), LPX 18001

Cara A: THE ANCIENT STRATA: 1. O poor Erzi Szabö (Csángó ballad) / 2. a. When I was a cattle-herd's hand (Lyrical song) / 2. b. Wormwood, wormwood (Lyrical song) / 2. c. Hey down there (Lyrical song) / 3. There are three outlaws in the inn (Fragment of an outlaw ballad) / 4. Be prepared, my daughter (Csángó ballad) / 5. I didn't sleep an hour last night (Lyrical song) / 6. Julcsa Farkas stepped upon the stack (Workers ballad) / 7. The same tune performed by a gypsy band in the next village.

Cara B: THE ANCIENT STRATA: 1. The ballad of László Fehér / 2. a. They have already written the summons (Lyrical song) / 2. b. Fragment of the ballad of the Two Brides / 3. There is a road leading towards Miskolc (Outlaw ballad) / 4. The ballad of the Three Orphans / 5. Rain or shine (Shepherd's song) / 6. a. I also used to have a mother (Lyrical song) / 6. b. The same tuen performed by a gypsy band.

Temas: Música popular húngara. ("From the Collection of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences").

Observaciones: Es el disco 1 de los 4 que completan el estuche II de la colección. Ver discos 2 a 4 (7609/D a 7611/D). Ver también estuche I (7604/D a 7607/D) y estuche III (7612/D a 7616/D).
Folleto interior con más información sobre el contenido (en húngaro, inglés, alemán y ruso).


Hungarian Folk Music. Magyar Nèpzene 2.



Edición: BENJÁMIN RAJEZKY (ed.), LPX 18002.

Cara A: EUROPEAN HERITAGE: 1. Pannonia was getting prepared to face the vast destruction (The "History" of István Kádár) / 2. a. Three orphans had set out (Fragment of a ballad) / 2. b. You may freely go out (Churchh song) / 2. c. Christ's bloodpoured down (Church song) / 3. Lo, how they are building (Ballad of the Walled-Up Wife).

Cara B: SONGS OF THE NEW STYLE: 1. a. The wild flowers are in full blossom / 1. b. I let my flock if geese go to the pasture / 2. Kismargita is not far from here (Outlaw ballad) / 3. There is a fish pond / 3. b. They are digging a ditch / 4. a. I have not eaten a bit today, Kata / 4. b. You may freely pass my gate now, Kata / 5. Golden well, golden sweep / 6. Alas, the great bell of Buza / 7. I must go now / 8. a. My dear mother, why did you marry off me? / 8.b. I feel on love with this pretty girl / 8. c. The front, front, front of our house / 9. I have just arrived from Gyula.

Temas: Música popular húngara. ("From the Collection of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences").

Observaciones: No está el disco en el estuche.
Es el disco 2 de los 4 que completan el estuche II de la colección. Ver disco 1 (7608/D), discos 3 y 4 (7610/D y 7611/D). Ver también estuche I (7604/D a 7607/D) y estuche III (7612/D a 7616/D).
Contiene un folleto interior con más información (en húngaro, alemán, inglés y ruso).


Hungarian Folk Musica. Magyar Nèpzene 2.



Edición: DR. BENJÁMIN RAJECZKY (ed.), LPX 18003.

Cara A: INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: 1. a. Master János has two daughters (Old-style parlando and giusto sing and performed on the hurdy-burdy) / 1. b. There is no wife in the town (Old-style parlando and giusto sung and performed on the hurdy-burdy) / 2. a-b (Old-style tunes performed on reed-pipe) / 3. a-d (Old-style tunes. Gipsy band) / 4. a. The gray donkey is sorry (Old-style parlando sung and performed by means of a birch-tree leaf, and finally played on the cither followed by an pñd-style giusto) / 4. b. Where do you live, old man? (Old-style parlando sung and performed by means of a birch-tree, and finally played on the cither followed by and old-style giusto) / 5. a. Just now I feel in love with a brown girl (Old-style tune sung played on the bagpipe) / 5. b. Whoever will be a bagpiper (Old-style tune played on the bagpipe) / 6. a-c (Two old-style tunes with a new-style one in between performed with the flute) / 7. a-b (Two old-style tunes performed by a village gipsy band).

Cara B: INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC: 1. a-c (Two dances tunes on the lute and an old-style one sung between) / 2. New-style tune performed with the bagpipe / 3. a-b (Fragment of a new-style ballad sung and performed by means of a birch-tree leaf and a cither, followed by an old dance tune played on the cither) / 4. a-b (Two old-style tunes - a slow parlando and a giusto - performed on the occasion when recuits are seen out of the village) / 5. (New-style tune sung and played with the hurdy-burdy) / 6. a-d- (Eighteenth-century dance tune, two old-style tunes and a nineteenth-century "quick". Gipsy band).

Temas: Música popular húngara. ("From the Collection of the Hugarian Academy of Sciences").

Observaciones: Es el disco 3 de los 4 de que consta el estuche II. Ver disco 1 (7608/D), disco 2 (7609/D) y disco 4 (7611/D). Ver también estuche I (7604/D a 7607/D) y estuche III (7612/D a 7616/D).
Contiene un folleto con más información (en ruso, alemán, inglés y húngaro).


Hungarian Folk Music. Magyar Nèpzene 2.



Edición: DR. BEJÁMIN RAJECZKY (ed.), LPX 18004.


Cara B: TUNES ATTACHED TO POPULAR CUSTOMS: 1. "Regös songs" / 2. Greeting on John's name's day (mendika) / 3. a. Don't fall asleep (Heralding daybreak. Wedding song) / 3. b. The dawn is breaking (Heralding daybreak. Wedding song) / 4 a-g: Weddings songs / 4. a. Be helpful to us, dear Lord (Making wreaths) / 4. b. Eider-down, eider-down (Carrying the brides's bed) / 4. c. Facetious songs of the contesting parties / 4. c1. Open the doors / 4. c2. What did you come here for? / 4. c3. You had better retourn on your way / 4. c4. Hey, step aside, my friend! / 4. d-e. The bride's farewell / 4. f. I have thrown three coins (Bride's dance) / 4. g. I have never seen a miller kissing / 5. Funeral lament.

Temas: Música popular húngara. ("From the Collection of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences").

Observaciones: Es el último y 4º disco del estuche II de la colección. Ver discos 1 a 3 (7608/D a 7610/D). Ver también estuche I (7604/D a 7607/D) y estuche III (7612/D a 7616/D).
Contiene un folleto con más información (en ruso, húngaro, alemán e inglés).


Anthology of Hungarian Folk Music. Magyar Népzenei Antológia III.



Edición: HUNGAROTON, LPX 18138, 1992.

Cara A: INNER - SOMOGY AND ZSELIC: 1.a. I went from Mérö (ditty) / 1.b. Oh, hay, hay (Easter game) / 1.c. Willow-twig (wooden pipe making song) / 2. We are not nobbers (Christmas folk custom) / 1.3. My dear aunt (lament) / 4.a. How wide it is! / 4.b. I turn out my bell-wether to grass / 5.a. How cold the wind is / 5.b. Farm-hand, don't load / 5.c. I caught a gnat / 6.a. My beloved pint mug / 6. b. I had a goat, you know / 6.c. "My beloved pint mug" (fiddle) / 6.d. This way, this way, darling, there is no mud / 6.e. This way, this way, darling (voice and cimbalon) / 7.a. Mother told me / 7.b. Bring wine, inn-keeper's wife, I will pay its price / 7.c. Corn-husk (voice and bagpipe) / 8.a. When I was a young herdsman / 8.b. I must leave even it it rains / 8.c. When I was a herdsman (voice and zither).

Cara B: INNER - SOMOGY AND ZSELIC: 1. a. Miller, have you any money? (story with sung inserts) / 1.b. Éva, Éva, Éva / 1.c. There, creep under that / 2. a. Granny's long shift / 2.b. "Leaping recuiting dance" (fiddle) / 2.c. Acorns fell off the tree (voice and zither) / 3.a. When the Lord Jesus / 3.b. The wealthy man's wedding / 4.a. Wormwood, wormwood (zither and voice) / 4.b. It is getting late, the sun is setting/ 4.c. Drink, highwayman, summer is wearing on shepherd's (pipe and voice) / 5.a. Long-tailed house-martin / 5.b. Red wine is cheap / 5.c. The master is angry / 6.a-h. Weeding food songs / a. That is why I like it (to the first dish) / b. The horse radish says (to meat with horse radish) / c. Our hen went mad (to the chicken-broth) / d. I ate strudel, it burnt my mouth (to the strudel) / e. Red wheat from Pátró (to meat with a pie crust) / f. The carrot's leaf (to meat with Carrots) / g. Part lungs and liver (to rice with giblets) / h. It is not cold, but the lake froze over (to the meat-jelly) / 7.a. I climbed the walnut tree, Kata / 7.b. I strolled along Pátró High Streat / 7.c. I don't dare to ride along the bank of the River Tisza / 7.d. (Maybeetle, don't sting the cherries) (zither).

Temas: Música popular húngara.

Observaciones: Es el disco 1 de los 5 de que consta el estuche III de la colección. Ver disco 2 a 5 (7613/D a 7616/D). Ver también estuche I (7604/D a 7607/D) y estuche II (7608/D a 7611/D).
Contiene un folleto interior con más información en húngaro y en inglés.


Anthology of Hungarian Folk Music. Magyar Nézpenei Antológia III.



Edición: HUNGAROTON, LPX 18139, 1992.

Cara A: OUTER-SOMOGY AND WEST-TOLNA: 1.a. Rock-a-bye (lullaby) / 1.b. One, two, three, four (counting-out rhyme) / 1.c. Hickory, dickory, dock (counting-out rhyme) / 1.d. Eeny, meeny, miny, mo (counting-out rhyme) / 1.e. One, two, see dance (children's song) / 1.f. One, tro, three (sic) (children's song) / 1.g. Fly, butterfly (children's song) / 2. (Children's songs and game (2.g.)) a. Snail / 2.b. Bum, bum, bull / 2.c. Bat, come put / 2.d. Peck, peck, kite / 2.e. Shine sun / 2.f. Six geese in the oat-straw / 2.g. Ork, ork, stork / 2.h. Over there I will surround a small castle / 3.a. A small ducking swims in a black lake (children's song) / 3.b. I walk around the new castle (children's song) / 3.c. Hide, hide, bush (Children's song) / 3.d. I have bought a finely arranged dish (godparent choosing) / 3.e. God give (Greetings in rhyme) / 4.a. Come, come (Easter village procession song) / 4.b.A. We go up there (Easter village procession song) / 4.b.B. I cooked a pot of carrots (Easter village procession song) / 4.b.C. Black veil, neekerchief (Easter village procession song) / 4.b.D. Masterm do you like wine (Easter village procession song) / 5. Dear Nani, dear Nani (lament) / 6. The bright sun has already set / 7. To horse, horse-herd, to horse / 8.a. Drink, highwayman, the summer is passing / 8.b. I dropped off to sleep / 8.c. Dammit, dammit, Subri my mate.

Cara B: OUTER-SOMOGY AND WEST-TOLNA: 1.a. Where were you last night, tomtit? / 1.b. If the wind blows from the River Danube / 1.c. The sow and its nine piglets have run away / 1.d. (I took peas to the mill)(fiddle) / 2.a. Miller, have you any money? (story with sung inserts) / 2.b. Ah! Zsubri my mate / 2.c. When I was a young herdsman / 2.d. János Nád is in Fenék / 3.a. The highwayman drinks out of the tap / 3.b. Our sow has got lost (voice and zither) / 3.c. Can you see the hill, darling? / 3.d. Over there at the Baranya boundary / 3.e. Éva, darling, Éva / 3.f. Under the hair, under the hair / 3.g. Under the water, under the water / 4. My daughter, my dear daughter / 5.a. "Piping" (clarinet) / 5.b. Hen's feet, goose's feet with a full dish ("piping") / 5.c. Christmas "Piping" (organ) / 6. The Kárád village headman's wife / 7.a. In King Charles' Court / 7.b. Hey, Mother, I am having a good time.

Temas: Música popular húngara.

Observaciones: Es el disco 2 de los 5 que completan el estuche III de la colección. Ver disco 1 (7612/D) y discos 3-5 (7614/D a 7616/D). Ver también estuche I (7604/D a 7607/D) y estuche II (7608/D a 7611/D).
Contiene folleto interior con más información en húngaro y en inglés.


Anthology of Hungarian Folk Music. Magyar Nèpzenei Antológia III.



Edición: Budapest, HUNGAROTON, LPX 18140, 1992.

Cara A: ZALA, INNER-VAS AND WEST-VESZPRÉM: 1.a. Rock-a-bye (lullaby) / 1.b. Rock-a-bye (lullaby) / 1.c. Hush-a-bye (lullaby) / 1.d. Teeny, meeny, you can go out (counting-out rhyme) / 1.e. The doll sits on the chair (counting-out rhyme) / 1.f. Hickory, dickory (counting-out rhyme) / 1.g. Ella-Bella, Bella (children's song) / 1.h. An pat-goose in the oat-straw (children's song) / 1.i. Ey, my straw, my straw (children's song) / 1.j. The Turks are coming with reeds and drums (reed making song) / 2.a. They have come, they have come (Christmas folk custom) / 2.b. Walk under, walk under (Green-branch-walk) / 3. I am called a famous highwayman (zither and voice) / 4.a. The goose was beaten innocent / 4.b. "Ibolácsi, bibolácsi" (drinking song) / 4.c. My sister-in-law made strudel / 4.d. The cherries are growing ripe / 4.e. When I was a young herdsman / 5.a. Ey, girl, what are you doing? / 5.b. There is a maple-tree in front of my house / 5.c. In Csömödér / 5.d. Ey, Subry my mate / 5.e. My swallow, my swallow, my dear swallow / 5.f.A. Hey / 5.f.B. Two of my hens are last year's / 6.a. Have you heard about (match-making song) / 6.b. Two roses (match-making song) / 6.c. Margit Német's sheet / 7.a. I have come early in the morning (István name-day greeting) / 7.b. The tone Messiah has come (wedding song) / 8.a. For St. Gregory the doctor (Gregory procession) / 8.b. (I was born in a green wood in Zala) (zither) / 8.c. (The brown girl washes up in the kitchen) (zither).

Cara B: NORTH-WEST TRANSDANUBIA: 1.a. Hush-a-bye (lullaby) / 1.b. Hush-a-bye (lullaby) / 1.c. I went to Mó, to Mocsár (ditty) / 1.d. In Pápa the Pápa zitizens (ditty) / 2.a. God, good day (Easter game) / 2.b. Colourful tullips (Whitsuntide procession) / 3. Where there is an ornamented road (Christmas folk custom) / 4.a. (Folk song from Vas) (four-member string band) / 4.b. (Wedding song) (cimbalon, fiddle and cello) / 5.a. The cricket is a game fellow, he is getting married / 5.b. (Bagpipe csárdás) (two fiddles) / 5.c. (Bagpipe tune) (cimbalon, fiddle and cello) / 6.a. The morning bell rings in Felsöpulya / 6.b. (Place it this way, that way) (fiddle and clarinet) / 6.c. (Old walking) (cimbalon, fiddles and cello) / 6.d. (Quick csárdás= (cimbalon, fiddles and cello) / 7.a. Don't pout, don't whistle / 7.b.A. This leg of mine, this one (Bagpipe tune) / 7.b.B. Don't pout, don't whistle (Bagpipe tune) / 7.c.A. Hen, goose's liver (Bagpipe tune) / 7.c.B. Granny plants potatoes (Bagpipe tune) / 7.c.C. It covers, it doesn't cover / 7.d. "Bagpipe imitation" / 8.a. Mother's rose bush / 8.b. The sergeant orders me in the office / 8.c. I was a bud when I was born / 8.d. How beautifuls it rains.

Temas: Música popular húngara.

Observaciones: Es el disco 3 de los 5 que completan el estuche III de la colección. Ver discos 1 y 2 (7612/D y 7613/D) y discos 4 y 5 (7615/D y 7616/D). Ver también estuche I (7604/D a 7607/D) y estuche II (7608/D a 7611/D).
Contiene un folleto interior con más información en húngaro y en inglés.


Anthology of Hungarian Folk Music. Magyar Nèpzenei Antológia III.



Edición: Budapest, HUNGAROTON, LPX 18141, 1992.

Cara A: NORTH-EAST TRANSDANUBIA: 1.a. Hush, hush (lullaby) / 1.b. Crick, crack (counting-out rhyme) / 1.c. One, two, three, four (counting-out rhyme) / 1.d. I went down to the cellar (counting-out rhyme) / 1.e. Red kerchief, re-re-re (counting-out rhyme) / 1.f. The doll sits on the chair (counting-out rhyme) / 1.g. Eeny,meeny (counting-out rhyme) / 1.h. Hey, dance, dance ( children's game) / 2.a. "Zsuzsika" (story with sung inserts) / 2.b. Ah, my headdress (bride's farewell) / 3. LAci Fehér stole a horse / 4.a. The swine-herd shouts, the herdsman roars / 4.b. I came the day before yesterday, on Thursday. MEZÖFÖLD AND SOUTH-EAST VESZPRÉM: 5.a. Önd-rönd, róma katta (ditty) / 5.b. A capfull of apples (swinging tune) / 6.a. In my darling's garden / 6.b. The plough-boy went ploughing barefoot / 6.c. I am a plough-boy, a plough-boy / 7.a.A. Éva, my darling Éva (slow women's round dance) / 7.a.B. Ey, rose, rose (quick round dance) / 7.b. The village mayor in Perkáta was a plough-boy / 8.a. Tomorrow in the morning I am ordered to report / 8.b. I sent word to the gentlemen in Kaposváar / 8.v. How high is the roof of the Ferenc-shaft.

Cara B: SÁRKÖZ AND EAST TOLNA: 1.a. Sleep, baby, sleep (lullaby) / 1.b. Hush, baby, sleep (lullaby) / 1.c. There was a house under the bench, under the bench (counting-out rhymr) / 1.d. The melon is growing ripe, growing ripe (children's song) / 1.e. Settle, butterfly (children's song) / 1.f. Let's pick grass (children's song) / 1.g. Stork, stork, turtle-dove (children's song) / 1.h. Hide, hide, green bough (children's song) / 2.a. Let's have a good time this New Year (greeting) / 2.b. Hey, bird, hey (children's song) / 2.c. St. George is getting ready (harvest song) / 3.a. My dear, my beloved one (bride's farewell) / 3.b. My dear, sweet Mother (bride's farewell) / 4. "Katica is a beautiful girl" (story with sung inserts) / 5. The girl is looking for her goats (story with sung inserts) / 6.a. There is no wood without leaves / 6.b. Ripe cottage cheese, onion-skin / 6.c. This world is certainly not too much, the wise use it / 7.a. The waters of the Báta pour ("Stepping round dance") / 7.b. I would be mad if I were sad / 7.c. My black kerchief ("Running round dance") / 8.a. There is somebody at the back of the garden ("Slow round dance") / 8.b. I would be mad if I were sad, I grieved / 8.c. On the Horgas bank (medium (csárdás) round dance) / 9.a. (Where were you last night?) Three-memeber string band / 9.b. (The swineherd's shirt is dirty) Three-memeber string band.

Temas: Música popular húngara.

Observaciones: Es el disco 4 de los 5 que completan el estuche III. Ver discos 1 a 3 (7612/D a 7614/D) y disco 5 (7616/D). Ver también estuche I (7604/D a 7607/D) y estuche II (7612/D a 7616/D).
Contiene folleto con más información en húngaro y en inglés.


Anthology of Hungarian Folk Music. Magyar Népzenei Antológia III.



Edición: Budapest, HUNGAROTON, LPX 18142, 1992.

Cara A: BARANYA: 1.a. "Cserige" bird (Fasting and Easter children's song) / 1.b. "Haja, gyöngye, haja" (Easter children's song) / 2.a. Don't hide, master, don't hide (Christmas folk custom song) / 2.b. Laid with sorrow (bride's farewell) / 3.a. To horse, horse-herd, to horse / 3.b. At the inn in Csányoszró / 3.c. Up, girl, jump / 3.d. Poor housewitfe / 3.e. (Up, girl, jump), three-memeber string band / 3.f. (The sky is rainbow-hued), three-memeberstring band / 4.a. In the Great Plains inn / 4.b. Have you ever seen / 4.c. You can tell a swineherd by his satchel-strap / 4.d. (At the end of the village Kispirics) (zither) / 4.e. (The grapes are growing ripe) / 4.f. (When the wind blows from the River Danube (zither) / 5.a. The wheat has to ripen / 5.b. Chick-peas / 5.c. "Recruiting song" (fiddle) / 6.a. Tje grey donkey is sad / 6.b. Woods, fields, wild groves / 7.a. Becskereki has lost his horse / 7.b. The shepskin jacket has two sleeves, has two sleeves / 7.c. God give us a cart / 8.a. I planted a rose on the foopath / 8.b. Hey, my silk kerchief has got no edge / 8.c. (Where were you last night, tomtit?) ("Leaping" dance with a wid band).

Cara B: SLAVONIA: 1.a. Hush, hush (lullaby) / 1.b. Adam and Eve went into the garden (counting-out rhyme) / 1.c. Hey, hay, hay (children'sn song) / 1.d. The duckling swims (children's game) / 2.a. I went along the churchyard in László (Derenka) / 2.b. Twelve and two are fourteen (Derenka) / 2.c. Reap, darling, reap (Kalala) / 2. d. Swing your hips (Reza) / 3.a. HEre rises / 3.b. The bright sun has left us / 4. I had a terrible time / 5.a. The shelters in Petröce were burnt / 5.b. Reap, darling, reap ("Kalala") / 5.c. Where have you been, my little lamb / 5.d. Pal, take your sword out / 6.a. Where did you sleep, tomtit? / 6.b. I feel like drinking but have nothing to drink / 6.c. Nightlight's Burning, Nightlights's Burning on the Mantelpiece / 7.a. The cart cracks (wedding song) / 7.b. It is raining / 7.c. (My bed on to the cart) (bride's dance, fiddle) / 8.a. "Swineherd's dance" (The sow went into the wheat-field). Six-member tambura band / 8.b. "Swineher's dance" (Six-member tambura band) / 8.c. "Leaping") (Where did you sleep, tomtit?), six-member tambura band.

Temas: Música popular húngara.

Observaciones: Es el 5º y último disco del estuche III de la colección. Ver discos 1 a 4 (7612/D a 7614/D). Ver también estuche I (7604/D a 7607/D) y estuche II (7608/D a 7611/D).
Contiene folleto con más información en húngaro y en inglés


Danzas populares húngaras.

Intérprete: Mátyas Jonas y su orquesta popular. Director: Béla Vaurinecz.
Coro femenino del Conjunto BArtók (A6 y A7). Conjunto Lászlo Maácz (B7 y B8).


Edición: Budapest, HUNGAROTON, HUNS 660-08, 1975.

Cara A: 1. Danzas de los porqueros (de Karád) / 2. Danza de los saltos / 3. Danza del zorro / 4. El paro (pájaro trepador) / 5. Danza de los zagales / 6. Danza de las muchachas de Somogy / 7. Danza de las muchachas de Zarkoz / 8. Verbunko kun / 9. Verbunko de Kapuvar.

Cara B: 1. Verbunko húngaro / 2. No tengo nada, vete, escarabajo / 3. Czardas de Somogy / 4. Czardas de Szatmar / 5. Czardas de los pobres (de Madocsa) / 6. Danza de las vueltas / 7. Danza zíngara / 8. Danza de los palos / 9. Czardas de Paloc / 10. Verbunko de la Montaña Matra.

Temas: Hungría.



Saltus Hungaricus: Magyar tantz and Verbunkos.

Intérprete: Budapest baroque strings. Director: István Kertész.
István Kertész (violín; solista: A1 y B3), Ágnes Székely (violin), Rezsö Pertorini (cello), Péter Kálmán (double bass; tabor: A2) , Judit Péteri (clavicémbalo; solista: A4-5 y B1), Péter Éri (shawm:A2), Oszkár Ökrös (cembalo:A3 y B4), Imre Magyari, Albert Brünner (horns:A6).


Edición: Budapest, HUNGAROTON, SLPD 12445, 1984.

Cara A: 1. Táncok a Barkóczy Kéziratból (Dances from the Barkóczy Manuscript, nº 1, 2, 13-16, 18) / 2. Három Saltus Hungaricus az Apponyi Kéziratból (Three Saltus Hungarici from the Appony Manuscript: a) 4. Hung. Fejedvar Tantz b) (withput numer) c) 19. Hung / 3. Három pesti magyar tánc (Three Dances from Pest, arreglos por András L. Kecskés) a) Moderato sempre (nº1) b) Moderato sempre in Dis-minore (nº3) c) Valde moderato - Coda Allegro (nº 39) / 4. Esztergomi magyar táncok (Dances from Esztergom) a) Verbung b) Ungrischr 1-5 / 5. Négy tánc Mártonfi István Kéziratábol (Four Dances from the Mártinfi Manuscript) a) Saltus Hungaricus b) Magyar Tántz (nº1) - Adagio c) Saltus Hungaricus d) Hungaricus / 6. Kilenc magyar tánc zenekarra magyaszimbati kéziratokból (Nine Orchestral Dances from Nagyszombat Manuscripts a) Series II nº 15, 12, 15 b) Series I nº 10, 12, 11 c) Series I nº 2, 9, 8, 9, 7.

Cara B: Magyar táncok pozsonyi kéziratokból (Dances from Pozsony Manuscripts) a) Ungrisch b) Verbunkos c) Hongroise - Allegretto d) Magyar Lassan e) Magyar Tancz Frissen f) Magyar Frissen / 2. Trencséni magyar táncok (Dances from Trencsén a) Saltus Hungarici 7 - Adagio b) Saltus Hungarici 1 - Adagio c) Früsche Hungarici Frissem 1 - Allegro / 3. Táncok a Pannonhalmi gyüjteményböl (Dances from the Pannninhalma Collection) a) Grave. Hongrois (nº1) b) Friss Magyar (nº5) c) Lassú Galanterie Verbunk (nº6) d) Frissen (nº12) e) Friseen Mulatságos Nóta (nº37) / 4. Öt tánc a Sepsiszentgyörgyi kéziratból (Five Dances from the Sepsiszentgyörgy Manuscript, arreglos: András L. Kecskés: a) Magjar Tántz (nº 1 - 2 - 1) b) Magjar Tántz (nº3) c) without number) d) Magjar Tántz (nº4).

Temas: Música de danza de Hungría (siglo XVIII).

Observaciones: Contiene folleto con más información sobre música para danza en Hungría (siglo XVIII) (en inglés, francés, alemán y ruso).


Las flautas rumanas

Intérprete: CARA A: 1. Dumitru Zamfira (fluter). Orquesta Nicolae Bälcescu Craiova / 2. Gheorghe Zamfir (naï) Ansambul "Clorcîrlia". Bucarest (4) / 3. Petre Barbu (naï). Orquesta Bälcescu Craiova / 4. Gheorghe Zamfir (naï). Ansambul "Ciorcîrlia". Bucarest / 5. Jon Vâduva. Orquesta Lâutaru. Bucarest / 6. Gheorghe Zamfir (naï) / 7. Simion Stanciu (naï). Ansambul "Ciorcîrlia". Bucarest / 8. Florea Netcu. Orquesta "Doïna Argesului". Pitesti.
CARA B: 1. Gheorghe Zamfir (naï). Ansambul "Ciorcîrlia". Bucarest / 2. Ion Lâceanu (ocarina). Ansambul "Perinita". Bucarest / 3. Gheorghe Zamfir (naï). Orquesta Fratil Gore. Bucarest / 4. Ion Ionescu (fluier). Orquesta "Doina Argesului". Pitesti / 5. Marin Chisar (caval). Ansambul "Ciocîrlia". Bucarest (6) / 7. Ion Lâceanu (escama de pez). Ansambul "Perinita". Bucarest / 8. Dumitru Farcas (taragot). Orquesta Populara "Martisorul".

Recopilador: Marcel Cellier.

Edición: ARION, 30 T 073; M-29861, 1970.

Cara A: 1. Craitele / 2. Rustemul ca la listeava / 3. Doina oltului si hora / 4. Cintecul jianvlui (balada) / 5. Briul / 6. Bocet / 7. Hora lautareasca / 8. Geamparalele de la costesti si sirba munteneasca.

Cara B: 1. Hora ca din caval / 2. Sirba sin dolk / 3. Au plecat olten la coasa / 4. Hora de la Bascov / 5. Cintecul lui oleac / 6. Jocul dianca / 7. Pe marginea dunarii / 8. Suita de melodii din maramures.

Temas: Rumanía.



Coro popular ruso de los Urales.

Intérprete: Coro popular ruso de los Urales. Directores: Boris Guibalin y Vladimir Goriachij.
Solistas en cara A: Anna Patrova (3A y 5A) y Pável Titar (6A).
Cantan en cara B: Viera Tarjova y Nikolai Kremeshni. Solista: Anna Petrova (1B).


Edición: VERGARA, S.A.; SV-21046; B. 14098, 1970.

Cara A: 1. Levántate ya, bello sol / 2. En la cuesta cara al viento (canción popular) / 3. El serbal de los Urales (E. Rodiguin - M. Pilipenko) / 4. Nueva montañita / 5. Bajo la ventana me mece un cerezo silvestre (canción popular) / 6. Urálochka (muchacha de los Urales) (E. Rodiguin - M. Pilipenko) / 7. En el hielo, me aso (coplillas).

Cara B: 1. Lino, mi lino (E. Rodiguin - V. Bókov) / 2. Lo que nos pasó este año (canción popular) / 3. Mi pequeño abedul (I. Shútov - N. Palkin) / 4. Crece, lúpulo (canción popular) / 5. Nieblas blancas sobre el campo (E. Rodiguin - R. Nekrásova - V. Rusakov) / 6. Coplillas de Kalinov.

Temas: Música popular rusa.



Coro del ejército ruso, vol. 1

Intérprete: Coro del ejército ruso. Director: Boris Alexandrov.


Edición: MELODIA, URSS; HMES 610-09; M-22079, 1972.

Cara A: 1. Stenka razin / 2. Llanura, mi llanura (Canción de la caballería cosaca. Knipper-Gusev) / 3. En la montaña / 4. Oh, tú, centeno (Dolukhanyan-Prishelets) / 5. Canción popular ucraniana / 6. Notschenka.

Cara B: 1. Kalinka / 2. La canción del abedul / 3. Canción de viaje (Blanter) / 4. Bajo el roble, bajo el olmo / 5. Poema de Ucrania (Alexandrov-Kolychev).

Temas: Rusia.

Observaciones: Ver vol. 2: 7623/D.

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